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Nita M. Renfrew is the author of A History of the American Militia Movement: America’s Shooting Edge—completed in 1999, the first several chapters self-published in 2010. (Renfrew, an MSM insider, was shocked to discover that the militia movement was right about the Oklahoma City bombing, the Federal Reserve, and much more.) Today, as the militia movement is being recast as a leading MSM boogeyman, Renfrew’s book is an essential resource for those interested in the roots of our ever-worsening Constitutional crisis.
Nita M. Renfrew was an independent journalist until 2000. Earlier, she had focused on stories having to do with U.S. national security, mainly concerning Central America and the Middle East. She was a correspondent for Europe’s leading international affairs monthly, Le Monde Diplomatique (of the French Le Monde). Her articles appeared in the U.S. in New York Magazine, Aperture, The Wall Street Journal, Newsday and Foreign Policy, and she was a consultant to Frontline and ABC News. In 1986-’87 she was a member of the Iran Study Group with Gary Sick, author of one of the two October Surprise books, interviewed on Truth Jihad Radio in 2014. In 1989, during the invasion of Panama and its aftermath, and during the 1990-’91 Gulf crisis, Renfrew was a frequent guest and commentator on television and radio, including ABC Talk Radio, Pacifica Radio/WBAI (daily commentary, The War Report), and a number of times on CNN. She continued to appear regularly on WBAI and CNN, discussing a variety of subjects, including religious fundamentalism and terrorism.